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KMID : 0361920090390010036
Korean Journal of Orthodontics
2009 Volume.39 No. 1 p.36 ~ p.42
Current trends in orthodontic patients in private orthodontic clinics
Jung Min-Ho

Objective: The purposes of this study were to provide an epidemiologic data base related to the orthodontic treatment need and to know the changing trends about treatment modality of private orthodontic clinics.

Methods: Distribution, trends and orthodontic treatment plan of malocclusion patients were investigated in 1,620 consecutive patients who had been visited and examined in 4 private orthodontic clinics located in Seoul from 2003 - 2006.

Results: Percentage of male and female patients was 26.9% and 73.1% respectively. Age distribution had shown that percentage of the patients above 13 years was 78.9%, and above 19 years was 59.0%. Average age of whole patients was 20.5 years. With regard to Angle classification, each percentage of Class I, Class II division 1, Class II division 2 and Class III malocclusion was 38.9%, 34.8%, 2.3% and 24.0%. The percentage of extraction cases (60.9%) outnumbered nonextraction cases (39.1%) and 46% of extraction cases were upper and lower 1st premolar extraction cases. Patients who had chose treatment with fixed appliance and orthognathic surgery was 10.2%.

Conclusions: Because the high percentage of adult, Class II malocclusion and orthognathic surgery cases in patients of private orthodontic clinics were shown in this study, orthodontic education program and national health policy in Korea need reformation. (Korean J Orthod 2009;39(1):36-42)
Orthodontic clinic, Epidemiologic study, Percentage of extraction, Distribution
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